The Sunrise Period is a priority-registration period which allows brand owners to be first in line to register their domain name. For this your trademark information needs to be verified by an official agent before the domain name can be registered.
HERE is a list of official TMCH agents who also finalize your .INSURANCE domain registration. We highly recommend working with these agents as they offer a simple one-stop-registration process.
The Sunrise Process is a simple 3-step process:
STEP 1: Get your Trademarks validated
To access the exclusive priority-registration period, your trademark information needs to be validated by the Trademark Clearinghouse. You need to register in the Clearinghouse (click here) and then you can submit your trademark for verification.
- Fill out a form detailing your trademark information (such as the registration date and number)
- Upload proof that you are using the trademark.
This could be a brochure, screenshot of your website or other marketing material
- Sign a declaration that you are using the trademark
If you require assistance with this process, over 180 official Clearinghouse agents are at your disposal. You can find an agent by any language of service via:
STEP 2: Download your authentication key
When your trademark information and proof of use documents have been successfully verified you need to download the SMD-file from the secure Clearinghouse web-portal.
That Signed Mark Data file is a unique key which authenticates your trademark information when completing a priority-registration. It can be used over and over again as it is valid for every Sunrise period of every new Top Level Domain.
STEP 3: Use your authentication key to register your domain name
Whenever a Top Level Domain that interests you launches its Sunrise period, you can register before it opens up to the general public. When you provide your preferred domain name registrar with your SMD-file he can easily complete the registration for the domain name that matches your trademark.
We list all active Sunrise Periods for new Top Level Domains:
Should you require any assistance during these steps, please consider the following options:
- read the HOW TO manuals which guide you through the process
- check your issue with Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- contact an official Clearinghouse Agent for specialized support