
Résultats de la recherche

  1. What is the Claims Period?

    ... domain they are seeking to register matches a label in the Trademark Clearinghouse . If the registrant decides to register the domain name, the ...

  2. How does registering trademarks within the Clearinghouse protect companies' brands?

    Registering trademarks within the Clearinghouse will help companies protect their brands through our two proactive services: the Sunrise Service and Trademark Claims Service. 1. Sunrise is an initial period of at least ... days before domain names are offered to the general public. Trademark owners can take advantage of the Sunrise period to safeguard the ...

  3. Can I submit a trademark composed of two different scripts?

    Yes, the Trademark Clearinghouse accepts trademarks consisting of multiple scripts. ... a mixed-script domain name. Tags:  trademark record ...

  4. My brand is not yet registered as a trademark. Can I register it with the Clearinghouse?

    The Trademark Clearinghouse in itself is not a trademark office. If you want your trademark to become a registered trademark, ...

  5. The address of the trademark holder available in the trademark certificate no longer corresponds to the current address of the trademark holder, how should I proceed?

    You should submit the current address of the trademark holder in the trademark record along with additional documentary ... an extract of the company registration form, to enable the Clearinghouse to verify this information. Tags:  trademark ...

  6. What is the purpose of an SMD file?

    ... process, the purpose of an SMD file is to show that the Trademark Clearinghouse has verified your trademark record, and that you have met the ...

  7. Is it possible to register a trademark if the trademark name only consists of two characters?

    Yes, any trademark with at least one character is acceptable in the Clearinghouse. However, please note that all two-character labels will be ... subject to approval by ICANN. Tags:  trademark record ...

  8. Can I terminate my Prepaid Account?

    You can terminate your Prepaid Account when all trademark records that are linked to the account have expired, have been ... opted for a Gold Trademark Agent account, the Trademark Clearinghouse will issue a credit note to the Trademark Agent for the funds ...

  9. I am a Trademark Holder and would like to register more than 10 marks. Do I have to register those through a Trademark Agent?

    No, a Trademark Holder can register as many trademarks records as he/she wants within the Clearinghouse without having to pass through a Trademark Agent. The only limit, as to the number of trademark records a ...

  10. Are well known or famous non registered marks accepted in the Clearinghouse?

    ... or famous non registered trademarks can be accepted in the Clearinghouse provided that the Trademark Holder can submit to the Clearinghouse a court order providing for ...
